SoChok Skinlove

When I was a child, I was never taught to “wash” my face specifically – so, I really didn’t do so (I didn’t know it was a “thing”). From a very young age, I was taught to wash my hair, apply conditioner, wash my body, and apply lotion afterward (especially in the winter months), etc.. But, it wasn’t until I got older and began wearing make-up that I realized the importance of actually washing your face (using separate products for such things!).
Now, being a mom of five elementary aged children (2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades), living in sunny California (where the awareness of sun protection is especially important) and just having turned 40 myself (trying to turn-back the hands of time from the damage I have done to my own skin), I realized there is a great need to instill healthy skinlove habits in kids, at a much earlier age.
I scoured the internet, seeking products that were “clean,” yet luxurious feeling (like the ones I have become accustomed to), that were specifically targeted for and created especially for kids, with their specific usage in mind (didn’t have a horrible scent, was as natural/clean as possible, with product “dosing” especially in mind, didn’t feel “yucky” [upon applying and after], and was mindful of the environment). Through my research, I came up with few products/brand options (aside for those created for babies, tween/acne targeted, and adult “clean” products). This revelation made me realize this idea was something I truly was passionate about and therefore needed to create myself . . . with the support of my husband and help of my children (their product trials and feedback was integral!) – SoChok Skinlove was born.
For some insight into how much thought, detail, and love that has been poured into this brand, I would love to share with you some of what has gone and continues to go into our products and brand as a whole:
- I sought out a skincare formulator that specialized in organic/natural products, using ingredients that would be gentle yet effective especially for young skin, with the target market beginning age of five years old and above.
- Through trying a multitude of products and then having my children also try some select products, I soon realized that smell and texture were BIG deals for the kids – they did not want to use a smelly product (no matter how good I said it was) or one that felt sticky/gooey/gross. With kids in mind, I wanted a scent that was all natural and that might be bright and fresh for them – which is why the primary scent for SoChok Skinlove is one that is primarily citrus based – one that awakens and enlivens the senses, for a bright and invigorating experience.
- Watching my children open many gifts over the years – birthday, Christmas, etc., I have long come to the realization that sometimes the packaging is way more exciting than the present itself! Toy companies knows this too 😊. So, while packaging in it of itself is generally important, for kids, it is MOST especially important – it is part of the whole experience. Our children are also learning the importance of being environmentally responsible, so it was also important that SoChok packaging be true to this ideal as well.
- I also was careful in making our packaging gender neutral, given we have two sons, and therefore wanted something that ALL of our kids would be excited to use. To address both the gender neutral, fun and eco-friendly packaging requirements, I thoroughly researched many options and was able to find mono-material containers for our products, that were completely recyclable/biodegradable (no metal components whatsoever). I also carefully selected another packaging company to source all of our marketing materials to be done by an eco-friendly provider.
- Giving my children products to try, I soon realized that just giving them a container of product wasn’t enough. I realized there were some obstacles – how much to use (with squeeze tubes, I soon realized that the issue of “accidentally” squeezing out half a tube of product with just one use was an issue) and how to use it (making sure to reach all areas of the face and/or to really rub in the product – especially with an SPF product . . . to avoid ghostly white streaks). To solve the “how much to use” issue, I sought out packaging that offered “dosing” options – primarily pump based containers, whereby a child could be told how many pumps to use of each product. My children also have a tendency to “fill” empty containers with water or other “fun” liquids, so I decided to select an airless container, whereby air and other elements (germs/bacterial) could not be introduced into the container, which would otherwise result in compromised products.
- Accessories! Watching my children play with all their many gidgets and gadgets, and also enjoying my own self-care accessories (loofah’s, sponges, buffers, hair clips and ties, towels, etc.), I thought it was important for kids to be setup for success, while also having purpose and fun. I searched out a LOT of different options (buffers, sponges, loofahs, different fabric options, etc.) and my children and I tried many options. Through many trials and discussions, together we purposely selected some great accessories to help in your kid’s enjoy their skinlove journey. These accessories include:
- Wonderfully soft microfiber coral fleece facial towel, that can be dedicated solely to softly drying your face, so that bacteria and germs from a hand towel aren’t transferred onto the towel used for the face.
- A soft natural silk sponge was decided upon for the face, which helps to give a beautiful lather when using our facial cleanser.
- Hair headband that is gender neutral, stretchy, easy to use and wide enough, with two light silicone strips inside (to better hold the hair back).
We are beyond excited to be able to create products that are especially made for and targeted toward kids (not specifically targeted to babies or only for tweens/teenagers). I am especially enthusiastic to be able to provide parents with a company that can hopefully be the cornerstone to developing healthy skinlove habits in our children, at the beginning of their skin journey and beyond. I truly hope you and your children love our products as much as our own children do!